Example of taxi automation with CRM

Today there is a talk that in near future taxi will work without a driver. Specialists of Uber taxi argue on it. In principle, it already goes on the way of automation and refusal of a human factor everywhere where it is possible. And this is due to the use of proper bpm for IT departments.

As a result, it is possible to come to the following scheme:

The order of the taxi is conducted automatically, via the website or the application without the participation of the operator;
Delivery of the client to the destination;
Payment conducted automatically, from a bank card or e-wallet after the trip on the basis of GPS data.

Of course, at the same time in the taxi service people (operators of technical support, specialists in servicing of the software and technicians, moderators of feedbacks, etc.) still, work. But in case of refusal from drivers, they cease to take part in the business process described above in general.

On the one hand, everything turns out conveniently and profitable. There are no people – there are no random errors, costs for the creation of workplaces and the salary. All is solved by usage of business process management for IT department.

On the other hand, if people are completely excluded from a chain, then there is a set of risks. What will be if the program of the driver glitches and the person will be brought not to the right place? And how the robot will react in case of an accident, especially, if because of road accident any hardware node is damaged? And if criminals or terrorists decide to take and use the robot taxi in their purposes?

As you can see, in case of all external benefit the exception of a chain of the person conducts to unpredictable consequences and requires implementation of some protective mechanisms as a result of which implementation (or even not implementations) the company incurs additional expenses, i.e. the result is opposite to that which was planned.