Category Archives: Business

Common Budgeting Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Budgeting is an essential part of daily life.

Budgeting is allocating future income towards expenses, saving and debt repayment

Responsible budgeting should mean that you are able to pay for all your expenses and enable some financial freedom to enjoy life.

However, formulating your first budget, let alone implementing it, can feel very overwhelming to a lot of people.

Especially when they have no understanding of what to do. Many people struggle with common budgeting mistakes that cause a lot of unnecessary stress in their lives.

You can adopt some easy strategies that will make budgeting work for you. Here is a list of common budgeting mistakes and some strategies for how to avoid them.

1. The First Mistake is not to have a budget

Many people worry that a budget won’t work or that it will be hard to stick to and this can make them avoid budgeting altogether.

But if you are spending money, then you need to implement some simple budgeting strategies.

Without doing this, you are running the risk of losing control over your finances which could mean, at the worst, going into debt.

Or at least you will probably not be managing to save for important expenses.

To avoid this: get motivated and start making a list of your income and your expenses. You can even download handy apps to make budgeting simpler.

2. Leaving out important expenses

It might sound straightforward, but it is important to remember not to overlook all of your expenses.

It doesn’t matter how big or small they are but, if you overlook them, they can easily impact your budget and make it stressful to deal with other expenses.

For example, if you overlook an important expense and then spend more money on something unnecessary, then it could potentially throw you quickly into debt.

To avoid this: spend some quiet, focused time going over all your monthly expenses. Even the small ones like a takeaway coffee.

You would be surprised how quickly little expenses can build up. Remember, your budget is not set in stone, so you can always adjust it as you go.

Use a tracking system that works well for you. You could use software such as a spreadsheet or a handwritten journal. Remember to track your expenses regularly. Ideally, it should be daily.

3. Too much guesswork

It can take time and even some trial and error to figure out your monthly budget. Often when people are first trying to figure out all their expenses, they will guess some of it.

This can be damaging to your financial situation because you leave a lot of room for error. If you were to grossly underestimate some of your living expenses, then you could be paying for it, literally, for months to come.

To avoid this: do some preliminary research for your budget. Start tracking all of your spending for a month. This way you will be much more informed about where your money goes.

Many people do not realize how much they spend until they start documenting it. To avoid making some bad estimations and guesses, get familiar with your money flow. Look at your bank statements and make sure you start with your biggest and most important expenses first.

4. Using an entire paycheck for a large expense

Sometimes people make the mistake of using nearly all their paycheck for a large expense which can leave them feeling worried and uncertain about how they will pay for their other expenses during that pay cycle.

To avoid this: Start setting aside money from every paycheck in preparation for your larger, incoming expenses.

These could be loan repayments, car expenses, mortgage or rent payments as an example.

5. Forgetting to have an emergency fund

An emergency fund is a nest egg of money that you have set aside for any unforeseen expenses. These can include medical expenses, housing repairs and car expenses.

Ideally, you should have enough savings that can support you through 3-6 months of living expenses.

Once you withdraw from the emergency fund, the aim is to replace the funds. Having an emergency fund requires planning and budgeting.

If you do not build an emergency fund, you could find yourself in debt if you do not have the resources to pay for an unforeseen expense.

To avoid this: When formulating your budget, treat the emergency fund as a fixed expense.

Work out how much you can afford to set aside for your emergency fund and determine how long it will realistically take you to put the amount aside that you need. By doing this, you will be creating a financial safety net to fall back on, if ever the need should arise.

6. Forgetting to factor in fun

It might seem like a budget should only factor in important expenses and responsibilities such as bills and rent. But it’s important to allocate some of your budget on recreation, entertainment and fun.

If you don’t, then it is more likely that you will blow your budget because you are not realizing the importance of having money to spend on enjoyable activities.

To avoid this: Determine exactly how much you can afford to spend on fun in your life and incorporate that as an expense in your budget. If you are worried that you are unable to afford to have an expense for recreation, try starting small and slowly building up this part of your budget.

7. Failing to reassess your fixed monthly bills

If you have fixed utility bills such as phone and internet bills, it can be easy to fall into the trap of never reassessing if the plan you are on could be renegotiated to suit you and your budget better.

Needs can change and if you are paying too much for a service you no longer really need, then this can be unnecessarily keeping your expenses higher than they could be.

To avoid this: Regularly check your reoccurring bills to determine whether you are able to downgrade to a cheaper plan. Remember that your needs and expenses can often change, so don’t forget to look over all the expenses in your budget.

8. Not working with your partner

If you are a couple, then it is vital that you are on the same page when it comes to your budget. There are a lot of financial responsibilities when it comes to running a household. If one person makes spending decisions without first talking about it with their partner, it has the potential to blow the budget.

To avoid this: Make sure you and your partner regularly talk about your budget and make decisions together. Agree on a time and place that works for the both of you to talk. It is also advisable to set financial goals that you can both work on together.

Always be transparent about your spending, and sometimes be willing to compromise and make allowances. Open communication with your partner can ensure your budget is maintained, thus alleviating stress in your life.

9.Confusing wants with needs

Sometimes people mistakenly classify something that they want as an essential expense. An essential expense, or need, is anything that you are financially responsible for: rent, bills, mortgage repayments etc.

Travel and eating out are not generally classified as an essential expense, even if you feel that it is a very important part of your budget. The trouble with confusing your wants with your needs, is that it will increase your spending exponentially.

To avoid this: Pay attention to all the expenses in your budget. Ask yourself if there is any expense you can live without and be honest with yourself. This will simplify your budget down to your essentials.

Then you can determine how much money you can allocate per month for non-essential expenses. By doing this, you will have more control over how much you spend on the things you want.

10. Leaving no room for error

When first formulating their budget, many people make sure all their earnings are allocated to aexpense. This can be very exhausting and stressful because it doesn’t enable any breathing room within your budget.

It will also make it easier for you to blow your budget entirely, because you are setting unrealistic expectations for yourself.

To avoid this: It is highly recommended to set aside a specific amount of money every month that serves as a buffer. As a rule of thumb this should be anything between 5-10% of your monthly expense total.

It will give you some breathing room and, if you don’t need to use the money, you can put it towards your retirement fund, or you could make an extra repayment on a loan.

11. Expecting too much from yourself and your budget

It’s easy to want to meet all your financial goals as soon as possible, but it’s important to remember to be realistic about what you can achieve and how long the goal will take.

A common mistake is to want to achieve everything too quickly and then getting disappointed or feeling like a failure if it didn’t work out the way you expected.

To avoid this: Be honest with yourself and make sure you are setting financial goals that you can achieve in that month.

Always reassess your monthly budget. If you are finding that you are easily managing to meet your goals, then you can set some new financial goals. You want to avoid feeling the pressure associated with setting unrealistic expectations.

Setting achievable goals will make financial success far more likely, which will motivate you to stick to your budget.

12. Failure to update your budget

Even if you are meeting all your budget expectations, and your financial life is feeling well-managed, it’s still important to sit down and go over your budget with fresh eyes every so often.

Sometimes people can go for years and years without ever changing their budget because they adamantly believe it to be the best system for them. As we know, circumstances always change and so it still is important to go over your financials and see if there are any ways that you are missing out on maximizing your budget potential.

To avoid this: Set a reminder to review your budget every quarter, this way you can see if there are any changes that you may have overlooked.

Also, make a rule to review your budget if you experience any changes that will affect your budget. Even a solid, working budget needs to be thoroughly looked at and updated from time to time. Sometimes you will unexpectedly discover there are ways that you could be spending.

13. Not including your retirement fund in your budget

The final common mistake people make when it comes to their budget is forgetting how important it is to make a regular contribution towards your retirement fund. Because it isn’t an immediate need for many people, it can easily get overlooked when it comes to their budget.

To avoid this:Firstly, make sure that you have a thorough understanding of any employer-sponsored retirement plans that you might be entitled to, and make sure you are receiving your fair share.

You can also contribute to your own retirement fund yourself. The easiest way to do this is to have a personal retirement savings plan that you contribute to yourself. You can organize it so that a regular payment comes out of your bank account every month.

Armed with this information about common budgeting mistakes and how to avoid them, you can start to move forward with your budget. Remember to keep track of your expenses, reassess your financial goals regularly, and don’t set unrealistic financial expectations. A budget is not something that is set in stone. It should change just as your life changes. By being mindful, informed, and responsible you will be able to create healthy financial habits that will enable you the confidence and flexibility to enjoy your life.


The Coronavirus virus disease has upended life as we know. The value and operation of closely held businesses have not been spared. There wasn’t any effect on value for valuations as at 12/21/19, since the pandemic was not yet known preceding that date. Fast forward to March 2020, and now good, hard working people have been laid off, the economy has shut down, revenue has disappeared, stay-at-home orders have been imposed, and the future is no longer definite. So, how has COVID-19 affected the closely held business value? 

Fluctuation or Decline in Profitability, Revenue, and Cash Flows

Regardless if all this is permanent or temporary, cash flow and profitability are the main driving force of business value. Businesses essentially base their standard prices on expected future economic advantages, which is the whole concept and premise surrounding business valuation. So when any of these crucial drive slumps, it’s inevitable that a business value decline will follow. 

Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL), Additional Debt from Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), or any other Pandemic-Related Loans

For instance, buyers may value a business enterprise at 4x EBITDA. To reach the equity value of the business, the overall debt will be subtracted from the value of the business. So if you get a PPP loan that is $2 million, it will minimize the business equity value by $2 million. Business value will be driven down by additional debt.   

Business Risk Has Gone Up

Considering that nobody knows how businesses will be affected by the Coronavirus pandemic, the risk of doing business has significantly increased. Risk can be seen in discount rates used in Income Approaches to business valuation like the Capitalization of Discounted Future Cash Flows Method or the Historical Cash Flow Method. Business value goes down as the risk rate increases.     


The majority of sellers and buyers are taking a wait and see mannerism considering that it’s too soon to tell the impact of Coronavirus on prospective M&A transaction values. In any deal done, financial adjustments with regard to COVID-19 will undoubtedly be part of the conversion, and those modifications will affect deal values. It is recommended that sellers offer buyers financial predictions showing the impact of the ongoing COVID-19, which will include a rough picture of what a post Corona environment will be like.  

Financial Reporting

The majority of businesses who carry Goodwill and issue GAAP financial statements and Long-Lived Assets on balance sheets might find that these assets’ fair value may be stifled as a result of a reduction in overall business value because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Under ASC 350, this might be deemed a triggering occurrence and need testing in the company’s annual impairment testing dates. This may result in impairment charges. 

Estate Planning Opportunities

The upside to all this is that it may be the perfect time to transfer the wealth of closely held business interests and change them to trusts or family members. The Coronavirus presents an opportunity for persons to take full advantage of low business valuation to reduce gift and estate taxes. This, coupled together with a looming Presidential election and nobody knowing what may happen to gift and estate tax exemption levels, provides an extraordinary chance for one to transfer wealth while gift and estate taxes are low.

For accounting or CFO services kindly call 951-768-2969 and talk to the best cpa in Riverside California.

Myths about business loans

Nowadays, businesses are expanding like never before. And the most important thing, after an idea, is funds. If you can’t arrange funds, the expansion is not possible. There are various sources of funds available to both small and large business houses. But many people don’t apply. The myths they have in their mind are the reason they don’t get the loans. To wipe out the wrong information, look at the myths people face. For getting funds, the first thing is you must apply. Everything else is secondary, but arranging documents and getting an appointment with a lender is primary. For checking out your option to get a loan visit

Long approval time

Many people think they will not get the loan on time, and the need for funds will be over by that time. But it is not valid, the process of business loan is like any other loan. If your application is complete, it will take less time to process. If the documents are ready, the only formality left will be the credit history. And for a rich history, you must repay your earlier loans on time and in full.

Small loans are difficult to get

Getting a loan of a small amount is difficult; it is just a myth. The process of credit is the same for any amount. The bank decides the maximum loan amount on the repayment capacity. But this does not mean that they do not pass small loans. If you are eligible for such an amount, you will get the loan. Lenders are always in search of customers, be it small or big they want to earn from them.


The collateral is not a requirement for all loans. Some lenders give unsecured loans. Click here to check some matching options. It may cost you a higher interest, but the choice is always available. Not everyone has something to offer as collateral; this does not mean they will not get the funds. Bursting this myth will open up many options for you. The market serves everyone and so the people with no security.

Interest is only cost

Before applying for a loan, many people look for interest rates. Various charges make the cost of the loan. Processing charges, late fees, and file charges are some of them. It would be best if you always think of all the charges before deciding on the source of the loan.

Elements Of An Exceptional Modern CEO

Becoming an exceptional CFO is not just about the numbers anymore.

Although accounting is all about logic, reason and deduction, finance departments can no longer function on these principles alone. Companies are expecting much more from their CFOs – it is not enough that they are good with figures and need to be strategic thinkers and have great leadership skills too.

1. Strategic Thinkers

CEOs rely on their CFO as a partner and have the expectation that they play a greater role in financial leadership as well as driving broader business strategies. Over and above the regular numbers reporting, a CFO should have the ability to shape an action plan and make decisions that are relative to achieving the overall goals of the business.

In addition, as the keepers of the financial records, CFOs are in the unique position to be involved in departmental objectives and performance in order to align these with current and future business strategies.

2. Leadership In Business

The CFO is the right-hand of the CEO and as such needs to step out of from behind the desk to become an effective team leader and excel in business leadership. Applying the wisdom of Solomon is key to an exceptional CFO where sound decision-making is based on extensive experience as well as a good knowledge and understanding of the company finances and figures.

Leading by example is integral to broaden the skills of the finance department as it moves away from solely performing traditional accounting functions within the company. A CFO must realize that flexibility and versatility are key in recruiting candidates to create a solid financial team. 

3. A Resident Advisor

One of the major changes in the role of CFO in today’s business environment is that their advice is not simply valued but indispensable.

Businesses across the globe are currently facing multiple challenges including heightened customer expectations, disruption from competition, shortages in talent and increasingly volatile financial conditions. Executives in the boardroom are looking for innovative solutions to overcome these challenges and are turning to their CFO’s to tackle the most uncertain economic time in decades.

In addition to this, a CFO can benefit from being a bit of a salesperson. The ability to think strategically and create a well developed plan is of little use when it is never implemented. The CFO must be able to articulate their plans in a way that is easy for those with no financial background to understand while creating the belief that the plan will succeed. So why not rent a cfo for your business?

* A last word on skills

Experience and a strong background in finance is critical to the position of CFO. A financial expert has gained knowledge and whole set of skills through experience to make them uniquely suited to providing expert financial management.

However, these are not the skills that make an exceptional CFO who has similar experience to many of his/her peers. It is those additional skills such as strategic thinking and the ability to lead a team that will set a financial expert apart and provide a business with a financial department that forms part of the strategic heart of the business.

Read these tips before starting your business

Almost three fourth of the businesses fail in the first year of their start. There are lots of reasons and factors that can contribute to the failure of the plan. There are some essential things to remember when starting a new business to take into consideration the market they’re entering it.

Make it simple

A business idea is finding a solution to a problem. It is an idea that can uplift society. But do not make your opinion very much complicated. The more elaborate your concept becomes, the more will be chances of it to become complicated. Start small, make it best work, and after creating a good financial position, start working for business growth. Too many ideas at a time will destroy and damage your primary business line. You will find more information on

High product quality

Find out ways through which you can provide high-quality products and services to your customers. It helps in determining the real valuable brand of your business. Choose to develop a passion for quality work to scale business in the future.

Focus on market

It is crucial to ensure product quality but depending and focusing solely on the product could prove to be a bad idea. The focus of the businessman should be on the market as the sole purpose of business is to make a profit and reach to the target customer. They should focus on the products that the customers are willing to buy.

Efficient Team

A business can’t exist and survive in isolation. There are the efforts of an efficient management team behind every successful business. Establish a team that supports you, your idea, vision, and goals. Don’t neglect to assess the importance of the management team. Find out how the team members like to do work.

SWOT Analysis

A business that is done blindly will not survive. Look for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats existing in the market. Find out what drives the interest of a person’s related to business internally as well as externally.

Don’t lose hope

Business is all about ups and downs. The one who is frightened of losses and can’t take risks is not suited for business. There will be instances when you will overspend a lot. Be prepared for emergencies. Running a business requires a ton of dedication as you may lose sleep and feel stress. Whenever you are set back, remember the business idea, your vision, mission, and again get into work.

How to Choose a Good Private Investigator

Many individuals now a days contact private detectives to accomplish examinations for a series of different factors. These can vary from background look at potential workers right through to confirming the extramarital relations of a spouse. As all of these instances are really sensitive, picking a private investigator that you can trust is of critical importance.

Our very first piece of advice on choosing the ideal detective is to seek one that has specialist experience in the Police Force or an additional investigatory service that relates to the job that you desire accomplished. This is necessary for a variety of reasons, the first one being that you will certainly be ensured that all job executed is within the confines of the legislation.

If evidence is to be provided in separation process or various other vital situations, everything should be above board, and therefore a trained as well as experienced expert that has actually currently operated in a relevant occupation within the confines of the law will offer you this professionalism and trust of service.

Another significant advantage of hiring a professional with this type of experience is that you can rest assured that they have actually currently had ample opportunity to work with cases comparable to yours for various other specialist bodies. Former policemen have experience investigating a number of instances, for instance, that will certainly appear in private examination queries as well.

Our second item of advice is to select a private detective with completely satisfied former customers. This is unbelievably crucial, as you will be leaving your expert provider with handling some of your most sensitive details, and also you will certainly intend to make certain that they care for your rate of interests as finest they can.

The fastest course to learning whether or not the provider is capable of doing this or otherwise is by asking them for references or confidential study. Regardless of their details being kept confidential, lots of clients more than happy to suggest a service such as this to others if they feel it deserves it.

Numerous private detective companies will certainly use this consumer responses via their website, however if not you are absolutely within your civil liberties to request for some prior to you work with the agency. The fact that others have actually been extremely pleased with the solution indicates that your mind will be placed at convenience as well as you will certainly feel favorable about the professional that you have picked.

Our 3rd piece of advice is to search for a private detective what has actually taken care of lots of situations similar to your own. Just like any other professional, detectives will certainly have specializes which relate to the kind of job that they accept and do ideal at.

Some detectives concentrate on exploring cheating, whereas others concentrate on performing background checks on prospects for work listings. Purpose to discover a service provider that has enough experience in the certain area that you require help in.

As stated over, make sure that she or he currently has expert experience in this department beyond their current role as a detective. A previous fraud attorney, for example, could be the ideal suit for you if you want to accomplish a personal scams examination.

Lastly, make sure that you try to find a private investigation company whose investigatives have actually been totally vetted, for example with the Organization of British Private Investigators (ABI) in the UK. These certification reveal that certain criteria of top quality have actually been fulfilled when delivering a particular service. Again, this can make certain that you are obtaining a top quality service.

All of these suggestions will certainly help you find a trusted as well as effective private investigator, although inevitably you will have to finest court the top quality of the overall solution by the various bits of proof presented to you. Bearing the above guidance in mind, and passing your ‘sensation’ when meeting the private investigator for the very first time, you will certainly have the ability to make the very best selection for you.

With offices in London and also Oxford, Expert PI embarks on all kinds of Investigative as well as Investigative job including divorce and matrimonial cases, investigation of fraudulent injury and insurance policy cases, identifying and protecting against worker theft, situating borrowers and also absconders, business fraud investigations, the sale of counterfeit goods and also covert security. We employ a group of Private Investigators who are ex-police investigators with a proven performance history of successful investigation operations, and also are trained to manage delicate scenarios with the utmost discretion. Our Investigators can work individually or as sub-contractors of other Private investigator Agencies or Security companies, and also can manage a series of various instances, from scams to adultery.

A Short Guide to Donating a Car to Charity?

Is donating a car to charity for a tax deduction worth it? If you own a Junker, chances are it won’t fetch much of a deduction. However, if you have a vehicle that could be of great use to the organization, then it could be worth it. Here we are going to discuss a few reasons to donate your car to a charity.

If you own a vehicle that’s in decent condition, by donating it, you’ll:

Give the organization a car to use. As long as your vehicle is in working condition, many charities will be more than willing to make good use of it. There are many tasks that they can use it for including taking people to the hospital, delivering meals to the seniors and anything else that furthers their goals. Some of the best options for charities that could use donated vehicles for their tasks include Goodwill, the Salvation Army, and the United Way. Locally, you can opt for vocational schools and community colleges as their educational programs often need cars for training programs.

You will be helping a charity whose cause you believe in. This certainly sounds obvious, but it is true. When donating, chances are you believe in the charity cause.

Avoid the hassle of selling the vehicle yourself. We all know that selling a vehicle is not always easy, especially when dealing with older models. By donating, you won’t have to market the car or deal with calls, emails and showing the car to potential buyers.

You will get a tax write off. The tax deduction rules might be strict since the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 was implemented, but a tax deduction close to fair market value is still possible. If the donation you make valued above $500 and the organization sells it, you should get a written notice stating that the car was sold in an arms-length sale between parties that are unrelated. The notice should ideally state the gross proceeds of the transaction.

On the other hand, if the charity decides to use the vehicle for its operation, you’ll get a written certification of its intended purpose and planned time of use. The organization shouldn’t exchange or sell the car before the intended time of use. If it is worth more than $5,000, you will also get an independent appraisal stating that it is worth over this amount. If your vehicle is worth over $500, you’ll need to file the IRS form 8283 and include it in your returns. If it’s worth over $5,000, it’s a good idea to include the charity’s certification and independent appraisal to the Form 8283.

Get rid of a vehicle that doesn’t have a proper title. Some organizations also take vehicles for which you can’t find the title. They might only be able to sell it for the spare parts, which reduces the value of your tax deduction, but it’s better than incurring the expense of replacing the title for a vehicle you barely use.

Free Pick up. Almost every charity that accepts vehicles will collect and tow them for free. However, it’s important to keep in mind that they will deduct this expense from the vehicle’s value, thus reducing your deduction. If the towing amounts to a substantial percentage of the vehicle’s worth, it is always a good idea to drive it in yourself.

A Few Things to Keep In Mind:

Non-cash donations are notorious for IRS audits and so, after making a generous donation, ensure you carefully document it and keep the documents in your tax file for that particular year in case your tax preparer or accountant requires it. Ideally, it is important to familiarize yourself with the Internal Revenue Service’s publication – A Donor’s Guide to Vehicle Donation’. This will ensure you are aware of all the rules.

Also, ensure the organization you intend to donate to is qualified and reputable. The IRS is an excellent resource as it lists all the qualified organizations on their website.


Donating your vehicle to charity can be a good idea as it’s usually a win-win for both parties, provided you meet the provisions of the 2004 Act. Bear in mind that the most beneficial donation is a vehicle that can be used by the organization (if transportation for the underprivileged is part of their mission) or sold directly to an individual who will use it. It is only then that you can take a figure near the vehicle’s fair market value.

I hope that this guide has been helpful in things you can expect when donating a car to charity and a few reasons to do so.

Costs For Child Name Changes In California

It is a very big deal to Change a Child’s Last Name. There are also times when you may want to make a change to your child’s middle or first name also. It does cost money and it is very important that Your Child’s Name is correct. In this article, we will be providing you with information on the Costs of Child Name Changes in California. 

Legal Name Change refers to the process of obtaining a Superior Court Order stating that the existing legal name of your child has been changed to a new legal name. The costs for Child Name Changes in California are the same whether you are only changing the last name of your child or changing any part of their middle or first names as well. 

In California, here are 4 Category Costs for Child Name Changes: 

Certified Copy of the Decree (or the Court Order)

Providing Legal Notification

Filing the Petition

Petition Paperwork 

Petition Paper 

What the “Petition” actually is a series of name change forms. There can be 5 to 9 of these forms or even more in some cases. You need to get them all filled out and then filed with the right Superior Court. Blank forms can be obtained for free from any of the California Superior Courts. You can either fill out all of the forms on your own or have us prepare them for you. Our charge is an industry-low $115 (with an extra Petition charge for each additional child, but no additional charges per child beyond that – see below). You can also have an attorney fill out the forms for you. However, that is likely to cost you an additional $400 to $1,000.

If your Petition is improperly pursued or prepared or incomplete, that could result in denial or delays (review California Civil Code §1275-1279.5 for more information).

Filing Your Petition

A standard Filing is charged by the Courts. The State of California can change the cost at any time. As of 2013 in California, the cost for Child Name Changes is $435 to file in most Counties of California. There are a couple of Superior Courts that charge $35-$45 or more for filing the Petition. Whether you are Petitioning for changing one child’s name or several, the filing costs will be the same. Filing costs also do not change whether the Petition is being signed by both or just one parent. 

Legal Notifications

Under California Law (CCP 1277) you are required to advertise some Petition Information by publishing it in a legal notice newspaper.  This is usually referred to as providing public notice of the Proposed Name Change. It must be done the way that is directed by California law and also in one newspaper recognized by the county courts that is an adjudicated General Circulation Newspaper in the country where the child lives and where you are filing. This is easier to do than it may sound.   

Therefore, in California, the Costs for Child Name Changes include the costs of advertising in a court-qualified newspaper. All newspapers set their own advertising rates. On the low end, we have rates ranging from $30 up to $500. A fairly good rate on Name Change Advertising is $80-100. You will need to shop around to get the best price when it is time for you to advertise. If you hire us to do your Petition for you, we will give you the contact information and rates for the different qualified newspapers located in your county. You also will need only one ad, even if there is more than one individual in your Petition changing their names. 

Serving A Parent

In addition to Advertising, you will not need to pay any extra notification expenses if the Petition is being signed by both parents. If just one parent that is signing and filing, and the other parent is either deceased or their address cannot be found, most likely you will end up incurring additional costs for providing a parent with an individual legal notice. However, if the Petition is signed by just one of a child’s parents, then you might have another legal notice expense, along with serving the other parent. 

You also must Serve Legal Notice in a specific way (see CPP §415.40, 415.10, 414.10, or 413.10) on the other parent of the child. It can cost as low as just the cost of first-class postage (when the other parent lives out of state) or up to $35 to $75 for the service to be done in-state by a Marshall/Sheriff or private process server. 

In California, what are the Child Name Change Costs?

Certified Copies

After your judge has signed your Court Order you need to have the Court Clerk Certify and stamp it. Passport, School, Birth Certificate, Social Security, etc. ask to be shown a Certified Copy to provide proof that you have legally changed Your Child’s Name. Usually, each Certified Copy will cost around $25.50. You can get copies from the Clerk of the same court and can order as many copies as you like. 

Summary of Costs

There are some costs that will depend on the number of parents who sign the Petition, which county your child is living in currently and the number of Certified Copies that you need. 

The following is an estimated summary of what you will need to pay if we do your Petition for you and the Petition is being signed by both parents: 

Certified Copy: $40.50

Newspaper: $80

Filing: $435

Petition: $115

Total: $655 (approximately, added cost, if appropriate, to serve the other Parent) 

If you qualify, the Superior Court may waive the fees for Certified Copies and Filing. If you email us and ask, we can send you copies of the Request to Waive Court Costs. With our Full Service, we will File and Advertise on your behalf for an extra $75 (is completely up to you).
For more detailed information you can reach out to a California Name Change Service that is affordable and will take care of everything for you. Why do the hard work yourself when there are affordable professionals out there that can take care of it for you? Get informed.

Life Insurance is The Best Way to Keep Your Legacy

Everyone on this planet who already have children will tell you that there’s no greater wealth in life than children. You can have the perfect career and a ton of money, but at the end of the day, your family and the loved ones are what only matters.

Money comes and goes, they say, but family is forever. This is why people often decide to invest in life insurance that will make sure the insurer and the family around them all have a good time if something unexpected and unwanted happens.

In this article, we’ll talk about why life insurance is the best way to keep your legacy and live something valuable for your children.

Insurance make sure you do everything there is for your children

Not too many actions can be undertaken in trying to make the life of your children better. The upbringing is an important part of our lives as adults and parents, but an equally important issue is what you’re going to live to your children once you live this planet.

A standard insurance plan makes you invest a monthly sum on your balance. After years and years of doing this, you’ll eventually create a balance that is so big that it will allow your children to do something valuable with them. See more about this here.

Most people are doing this to provide quality education for their kids. Universities are expensive, and it takes tens of thousands of dollars to finish one. You can’t spend all this money in a short period of time, but if you invest little by little over a lot of years until the children become grown enough to go to college, then it’s not something that is impossible.

Another thing that makes sure kids get a fair share of the salary you receive every month is investing in their future after you pass away. No one can predict their future, and sometimes people die when it’s least expected. To make sure your loved ones get to live like they used to, you need to invest in a fund that will transfer your money after you die.

Life is highly unpredictable

Sitting on the couch on Friday night and watching the game seems like nothing can go wrong. However, this is absolutely not the truth. People can never know what will happen the next day. Because of this, the smartest thing you can do is set aside some money and make sure you are safe when something like this happens.

If you do this, you can be sure that everyone will have a benefit from it. Why leaving your loved ones without any proper security after you’re gone when you can do something like this. Life is much more than spending time only on our needs. We need to think about the family too.

Choosing the right place to invest

Every bank has an insurance program. At the same time, there are so many companies working in finance and providing services like this that it’s really hard deciding where to put you money in.

The best thing to do here is to read some reviews about the issue and make sure you’re doing the right thing. Read what experts have to say about it, but also share some thoughts with the people around you that you have trust in and have some previous experience with the subject.

You’ll notice that some institutions offer an unexpectedly high return of the money you give them. It’s not always milk and honey, be sure about it. They will take their money back, and you might even return less than everyone else who didn’t promise miracles. An experienced broker working in finance will find a way how to get your money, so be careful about this.  


Why get life insurance? It’s clear after what we said above. Without it, you get so much more for your family. See another source to learn more about the reasons behind it.

Smart people have a plan for their life and income. Good financial planning will show you that there’s enough for everything if you do a good job. In your plans, leave a column for this too.

Why most novice traders find it difficult to make money in trading

There are many things that you need to take care in order to make money in the online trading world. Most of the novice traders start their trading career without knowing the market details and ultimately fails to achieve success in this industry. The professional Aussie traders always suggest the news traders learn the market basics first before they start live trading. It’s true that the initial learning stage will be extremely difficult but if you have strong determination, devotion and dedication then within a few months you will be able to place high-quality trades in the market. Most of the novice traders consider trading as easy money and ultimately blows their entire trading account. In this article, we will discuss why most novice traders find it extremely difficult to make money in the online trading world.

Lack of trading knowledge

If you want success in any sector of the world you need to know the sectors very well. When it comes to the financial industry it’s highly imperative that you learn the basic of the forex market. As a new trader, you should learn why the currency pair moves in a certain direction and what causes the volatility of the market. To be precise you need to have a very clear understanding of the basic of the forex market. Unlike the novice traders the professional traders at Saxo have a very solid knowledge in the financial industry and for this very reason, they can predict the future price movement of certain assets with an extreme level of accuracy. If you are relatively new then you should not think about making a profit in the market rather focus on learning the fundamental factors of the market.

Unrealistic expectations

The novice traders in the financial market consider trading as a money making the machine. Indeed its place where you can earn huge amount of money simply by placing the right trades. But you need set realistic goals in the market. If you start trading with 100 dollar trading account and expect to make 1000 dollar profit then you are most likely to lose money in trading. The professional traders always aim for 5- 10 percent return in every single month. So by this data, you can clearly understand how precisely the market works. You should always focus on high-quality trade setups in your trading platform and ignores the low probability trades. Before you execute the trades in the market think twice about your decision and if everything seems correct to place the trade in the market. Always remember that single quality trade execution is thousand times better than low-quality trades in the market.

High-risk trading

This is one of the most common mistakes that every novice traders in the forex market make. They simply execute high lot size trade in the market and loses a huge amount of money from a single losing order. It’s true that sometimes they will make a big profit but considering the long term scenario, this is one key ingredient which makes a trader failure in this industry. Most of the professional brokers are providing high leverage trading account that doesn’t mean that you will use the leverage to take a maximum risk in the market. As a professional trader, you should always calculate the risk tolerance level and based on that you should scale your lot size and set your stop loss. Make sure that you are well comfortable to accept the loss in the market. Never trade the market with the money that you can’t afford to lose since it will make things much more complex in the financial market.

Summary: Forex trading is an art and in order to make a consistent profit you must be knowledge in this industry. Try to learn the basic of the forex market very precisely. When you execute the orders in orders in the market make sure that you are using proper money management since it is one of the key ingredients for long-term success.