Author Archives: Justin

What are the different stock orders in Singapore?

When trading stocks in Singapore, there are some risks you’ll need to avoid. You can place a few different types of stock orders to help mitigate these risks. Try this out yourself via this link.

Limit Order

A limit order is to buy or sell a security at a specified price or better. Your broker will only execute a buy limit order at the limit price or lower and a sell limit order at the limit price or higher. There is no assurance that your broker will execute your limit order.

Market Order

A market order is buying or selling a security at the best price. Market orders are usually executed quickly, but the exact price is not guaranteed.

Stop Order

You can place a stop order to buy or sell a security when it reaches a specific price, known as the stop price. When the stop price is attained, it becomes a market order. Stop orders are typically used to limit losses or lock in profits.

Stop-Limit Order

You can place a stop-limit order to buy or sell a security at a specified price or better after the stop price is attained. After attaining the stop price, the stop-limit order becomes a limit order and will only be executed at the specified price or better.

Trailing Stop Order

You can place a trailing stop order to buy or sell a security when it reaches a specific price, known as the trailing stop price. The trailing stop price is automatically adjusted as the stock price moves up or down. When the stock price reaches the trailing stop price, the order becomes a market order.

Fill-or-kill order

You can place a fill-or-kill (FOK) order to buy or sell a security that your broker must execute immediately and in its entirety, or it will be cancelled. This type of order is typically used in fast-moving markets where a stock price can change rapidly.

Good-til-cancelled order

A good-til-cancelled (GTC) order is an order to buy or sell a security that remains in effect until the trader cancels it. GTC orders are often used when a trader wants to buy or sell a stock without entering a market order.

Immediate-or-cancel order

You can place an immediate-or-cancel (IOC) order to buy or sell a security that your broker must execute immediately, but only partially, if necessary. Any portion of the IOC order your broker cannot fill immediately will be cancelled.

Limit-on-close order

A limit-on-close (LOC) order is an order to buy or sell a security at the end of the trading day at a specified price, known as the limit price. LOC orders are only executed if the stock’s closing price is at or below the limit price for a buy order or at or above the limit price for a sell order.

Why use orders when trading stocks?

Price protection

When you place a limit order, you know the maximum price you’re willing to pay for a stock or the minimum price you’re willing to sell it for. It protects you from sudden price changes in a fast-moving market.

Time savings

A market order may be the best choice if you’re trying to buy or sell stock quickly. Market orders are typically executed more quickly than other types of orders.

Reduced risk

A stop order protects you from losses if a stock’s price falls below a certain level. You can limit your losses by placing a stop order and exiting the trade if necessary.

Stop-limit orders can also help reduce risk by allowing you to specify the exact price at which you’re willing to buy or sell a stock. This type of order can help prevent you from overpaying on a stock or selling it for too low of a price.

Better execution prices

In some cases, limit orders can help you get a better price for your shares than a market order. If you place a limit buy order for a stock trading at SGD10 per share, and the stock’s price falls to SGD9.50 per share, your broker will execute the order at SGD9.50 per share.

On the other hand, if you place a market order to buy the same stock, you may end up paying SGD10 per share. So, in this case, a limit order saved you SGD0.50 per share.

The polarization encouraged far-right forces to riot in the midterm elections

Think continues working in the documentation for his next project, which will be related to the polarization of American society and the resurgence of anfar-right mentality. This new phenomenon is also spreading to other countries of the world. All the information is being achieved by talking with the protagonists of the news and experts who independently share their vision.

One of the most difficult and complex chapters to be portrayed objectively, was the incident of January 6, 2021, when the White House was stormed by far-right Trump supporters, such as the Proud Boys, which are being called to testify.

Members of the House Freedom Caucus helped plan Trump’s attempt to overturn the election.  They attended a meeting at the White House on Dec. 21, 2020 in which, at least, 11 lawmakers discussed efforts to spill the election resultsand helped spread false information, according to testimony and records obtained by the committee.

And one of the groups that drove this effort is the Falun Gong sect, related with The Epoch Times.Falun Gong, a religious movement embroiled in a decades-long conflict with the Chinese government, has become a political asset in the Trump era due to its long-standing propagation of communist conspiracy theories.

At the time, reputable media such as The New York Times has reported that The Epoch Times used fake accounts to campaign for Trump during the 2016 election through its company Beautiful Life. Moreover, after they spent about $11 million on Facebook ads in 2019, the platform banned them for violating rules on political advertising transparency.

In April, at the height of its ad spending, videos from Epoch Media Group counted about 3 billion views on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, ranking 11th among all video creators across all platforms and outpacing all other traditional news publishers, according to data from social media analytics firm Tubular.

This engagement made The Epoch Times one of the favorites for the Trump family and a key component of the president’s re-election campaign. According to the Washington Post, reporters at The Epoch Times have received special access from the Trump administration: One America News and The Epoch Times were among the only media outlets with access to Georgia’s voting audience in the 2020 election.

Once thevote counts were published, the website questioned the legitimacy of the 2020 election (neither journalists nor Trump’s legal team have uncovered credible evidence of widespread voter fraud). They also peddle a number of conspiracy theories as the one they supported in 2018 with the“full rundown” of Spygatethat claims an Obama’s administration spy attempted to thwart Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

There was great concern in The Epoch Times when Biden finally won the 2020 election. At the same time, to avoid trouble with Democrats over their earlier smear campaign against President Biden, Epoch Times executives decided at one point that they should keep a low profile internally and “drop the close relationship with Trump.”

The truth is, however, that January 6, 2021 gave the Epoch Times another chance.

Angelo Carusone, president and CEO of Media Matters for America, said that by exploiting the deep partisan polarization in U.S. politics and the long anti-Communist tradition of the American right, these media outlets, led by Epoch Times, have sought to link Biden and the Democratic Party to radical left-wing movements like Antifa.

Epoch Times pointed to a strong contender in the Democratic Party,an opportunistic rehash of existing conspiracy narratives – was characteristic of these outlets. “They’re not drivers, they’re not weaving new conspiracy theories, they’re amplifying what’s already out there,” Carusone said.

While the Proud Boys and QAnon have been punished by law, the Epoch Times remains at large. With the 2022 midterm elections in full swing, Carusone said, the intensification of conspiratorial messages in the Epoch Times’ output and its embrace of Trumpism could make them even more damaging to the United States.

Despite being banned from Facebook and unable to place many ads on the platform, The Epoch Times did not give up on other platforms and actively published hundreds of articles about the midterm elections on its website, including dozens of articles about Trump’s “high” approval rating (regardless of the actual situation).

In fact, in addition to obfuscating the midterm elections to attract Republicans for patronage, The Epoch Times and Falun Gong behind it appear to be undermining the American situation in even more egregious ways by opposing abortion and condemning homosexuality and feminism.

Media Contact:

Ángel Tapia

Hello Think

Ice Cold Marketing: Business-to-Business Sales Techniques That Work

30 B2B Sales Techniques That Will Work - July 2022 | AgileCRM

What embodies a workable business-to-business sales technique? Yes, that is an excellent question, and people need to have an answer to it. Every enterprise is unique, with its services, objectives, target market, and products. Depending on the business, what works for one company might not work for others. 

With that being said, there are some elements that all effective business-to-business sales techniques share. But let us first take a closer look at the nature of business-to-business selling, the traits of modern buyers, as well as the entire sales process and flow of this method.

The essence of B2B sales

This type of selling is not the same are business-to-consumer sales or retail selling. When individuals sell to companies, they are not just selling services or products – they are selling solutions to problems. These individuals help their potential target market improve their operations. 

Organizations want to know how these offerings can make the company’s lives a lot easier, their work more effective and efficient, as well as their bottom line more compelling. The sales rep in B2B industries usually has a very different job than the professionals in B2C sectors. 

Click this site for more details about B2C.

In B2B settings, representatives often focus on creating relationships with their customers instead of making a one-time deal. Because of this, representatives need to communicate effectively with decision-makers in their target enterprise. Ultimately, representatives aim to establish a long-term relationship with their customers instead of making a quick deal.

The attributes of modern purchasers

In today’s world, buyers are more discerning and sophisticated than ever. These individuals can make well-informed decisions when it comes to their purchases with immediate access to details and a lot of options to choose from.

These professionals are well-informed

Thanks to the World Wide Web, purchasers can access a lot of info about solutions and products before they make their first step into an online or physical store. They usually research online reviews and compare the various prices before making purchases.

Representatives know what they really want

Again, because of the abundance of relative information readily available to purchasers, they are pretty clear about what they are looking for or want before they start looking around. They are more likely to have narrowed down their options and will be looking for certain products or services that meet their needs.

They are price conscious

In today’s rise of competition and economy, purchasers always look for the best bang for their buck, so to speak. They will most likely compare stores and look for the best possible deal and discounts before buying.

How to market an enterprise? Check out for more information.

5 B2B Marketing Services You Didn't Know You Needed - All Around Creative

They are brand sensitive

Customers are usually very loyal to brands that they trust and know. When making purchases, they usually pick brands they are already familiar with over lesser-known options.

Keeping these details in mind, let us step forward in the process

Proven B2B sales techniques that work

Start with the buyer’s needs and wants, not your services or product’s features

When selling services or products, it is a lot easier to get caught up in listing all of its features. But buyers are looking for reasonable solutions to their issues, not a list of good qualities. That is why companies need to focus on what the other organizations want to achieve, as well as how their products and services can help their customers get there. Everything is all about the target market. 

Companies need to fight the urge to talk about themselves and their products or services more than they talk about firms and their needs, as well as objectives. Then, companies can pitch in a way that focuses on how their products or services are a good fit.

Build a personal relationship with the target market

Individuals make deals with people they trust, like, and know. To build these kinds of consumer relationships, organizations like Ice Cold Marketing need to take a lot of time to get to know their clients on a personal level.

Use good content to engage and educate your target market

The best way to engage customers is to provide them with high-quality and good educational content. These materials are the kind of content that can help customers learn about the enterprise’s services or products. It can include e-books, white papers, videos, infographics, or blog posts.

3 Tips For Supporting A Loved One Starting To Develop Dementia

Sadly, many people start to develop dementia to some extent as they age. While some people might have memory issues that progress into things like Alzheimer’s, others might just have problems remembering certain things as part of the aging process. Whatever their dementia turns into, it’s good to know how you can continue to care for and support your loved one at the beginning of these changes.

To help you see how this can be done, here are three tips for supporting a loved one starting to develop dementia. 

Make Their Safety A Priority

Once you begin to notice that your elderly loved one is having problems with their memory, you should take measures to ensure that they are able to remain safe in their environment. If this means moving into an assisted living facility to get the care that they need, start getting things ready for this transition as soon as possible. But if they’re able to stay in their home, you might want to help them make some safety changes. 

If there are tasks that are dangerous for your loved one to continue doing on their own, try to find ways to make these tasks safer. Additionally, you may want to install some safety features in their home, like grab bars and extra lights, to help them stay safe now and into the future. 

Try To Stick To A Routine

When seniors begin to have a hard time remembering things, what can be incredibly helpful to them is to have certain routines that they stick to for things in their daily life. 

To best start this new routine process, try to make simple modifications and changes to the routines that they already have in place. If you can make their day into something that is familiar to them and in which they always know what is coming next, you can help them keep their emotions in check and feel safe in their own world. 

Listen To Their Opinions

If your elderly loved one realizes that they are having memory problems, it can be very hard for them to cope with this knowledge. They might be defensive about any help that you want to give them and support that you show. So to help keep your relationship intact, you should take their opinions and suggestions into account as often as you can. Give them choices about things and allow them to make whatever decision they want. This can help them to feel like they still have some control over their lives and are still respected by their loved ones. 

If you have a loved one that’s starting to show signs of the beginning of dementia, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you learn how you can best support them. 

Wellman Shew Discusses 5 Reasons Why Someone May Need Life Insurance

Wellman Shew Discusses 5 Reasons Why Someone May Need Life Insurance

FRESNO, CA / 2022 / Many people think life insurance is unnecessary until later in life. Agency manager and owner of Shew & Company, Wellman Shew, recently discussed five reasons why someone may need life insurance earlier in life. 

“Life insurance can put your mind at ease and save your family during a time of crisis,” Shew said. “Unfortunately, these situations can happen at all ages — not just when we’re old.”

Shew explained five common reasons why a person may benefit from purchasing life insurance now.

1. Marriage 

A lot of financial discussions take place before a couple gets married. Life insurance should be one of those conversations. 

Joint life insurance policies are designed for married couples. They can help lessen the burdens of estate and inheritance taxes on beneficiaries. A life insurance policy should also be considered if one or both parties are bringing children into the family from a previous relationship.

2. A Growing Family

The expectance or birth of a child is a common reason individuals and families purchase life insurance policies. Life insurance can cover education, a home mortgage, or other expenses if a parent dies. Experts suggest considering life insurance while planning a future family or once the first child is born.

3. Business Ownership

Business ownership is a major reason to consider a life insurance policy. The owner of a business typically plays a major role in its success. 

A business-owned disability insurance or life insurance policy will name the business as a beneficiary so that it can stay afloat. 

4. Private Student Loan Holders

Private student loans create a large amount of debt that can be a major burden to others if the loan holder dies. Wellman Shew explained that a life insurance policy could prevent this debt from being left behind to cosigners, spouses, or others.

5. Thrill Seekers

Extreme sports are more popular than ever, and they put individuals at a higher risk of disability or death. Individuals who work high-risk jobs also have a higher chance of dying or becoming injured from unnatural causes. 

Individuals seeking life insurance for these reasons may pay a higher base premium or annual fee, but they can also live with the peace of mind that their lifestyle choices won’t leave the ones they love with crippling debt. 

Wellman Shew and Life Insurance

Wellman Shew is a business and insurance specialist with more than 40 years in the industry. He is President and Agency Manager at Shew & Company Insurance Services Inc. He was named the Member of the Year for the CCAHU local health underwriter underwriters association and has received countless other industry awards.

Shew enjoys using his life insurance knowledge to save families from potentially devastating financial situations. 

Ways to use Olive Oil

Soaking your bread in olive oil is excellent, but if that’s all you do with it, you’re missing out on a world of possibilities. Without further ado, here are some great5 innovative uses for olive oil that you may not have considered. If you want to have the best oil then buy it from Morocco Gold Olive Oil.

  • Salads with Fruit

The salads are already tasty and refreshing! And adding olive oil improves the flavor of the taste buds. To create it, cut plums, peaches, and cherries, then top with dark chocolate chunks drizzled with olive oil and sea salt. You can also use burrito instead of chocolate to make the snack more savory.

  • Poaching

Things should be poached in olive oil. For example, fish or eggs, or even garlic confit. It’s a benefit because the olive oil can still be used afterward. Confit is a French term for something cooked in its fat, but when the fat is replaced with olive oil, something miraculous happens, especially when garlic is included. In a pan, combine the garlic cloves from 1-2 heads of garlic and drizzle with olive oil. Simmer for 30-45 minutes on low heat, until the garlic is tender. Then, combine the garlic cloves with the oil in a Mason jar, and use the garlic-infused oil to poach just about anything else.

  • Ice Cream

Drizzling olive oil over ice cream is one of the easiest ways to utilize it. With a little olive oil and sea salt, vanilla ice cream tastes fantastic. Take chocolate ice cream and top it with a teaspoon or two of port wine, olive oil, and fresh figs.

  • Granitas

Use olive oil to make granita, a brain-freezing dessert made by combining fruit, ice, water, and sugar or simple syrup. Olive oil can be used in place of the syrup on top of the granita.

  • Yogurt

Combine plain Greek yogurt, olive oil, salt, and pepper for a quick snack in between meals. Healthy, filling, and with a kick that wakes you up more effectively than coffee.

  • Crudo

Americans may not be aware of the benefits of using extra virgin olive oil as a raw fish dressing. Crudo refers to raw fish that has been seasoned in olive oil and sea salt. It’s beyond comprehension. There’s nothing better than truly fresh raw fish with olive oil.  Just make sure your raw fish is sushi-grade—one it’s of the few things in Whole Foods worth paying extra for.

  • Cheese

Cheese is one of the most delicious ways to use olive oil. Drizzle olive oil and freshly grated pepper over a cheese platter, especially one with hard cheeses like parmesan or pecorino. Just make sure you have enough toothpicks to finish it all.

These are the best ways to use olive oil as a healthy and exquisite ingredient in your snack!

Characteristics of a successful leader

Although there is no one-size-fits-all approach to leading a team, there are a few traits that successful managers and leaders share that you should think about as you hone your leadership qualities.

More than simply morale can be harmed by poor leadership. That is why strong leadership is crucial. You need people who can successfully explain the firm’s mission, lead teams, and drive change in order to motivate employees, enhance customer satisfaction, and boost corporate efficiency. Here are some characteristics of a successful leader.


It’s difficult to properly manage people if you can’t manage yourself. Self-management entails being able to prioritise your interests and taking responsibility for achieving them. You must be able to manage your time, concentration, and impulses as a leader while keeping mindful of your skills, shortcomings, and prospective biases. Leaders who excel at managing stress and juggling their work and home life are extraordinary. Andrew Binetter, a successful businessman and property investor, exemplifies this trait which is the reason why he is successful in the first place.

Communicate Effectively

Leaders who are in charge know how to speak and listen at the same time. They are good communicators who can communicate anything from corporate goals to specific assignments to their staff in a clear and concise manner. People will fall short if they do not comprehend or are unaware of your objectives, so be as precise as possible. Work on being accessible and engaging with people from all levels since communication relies on a continual flow of verbal and nonverbal interactions of knowledge and thoughts.


The value of honesty should be self-evident. Integrity is an important leadership trait for both the individual and the business, even if it isn’t always a statistic in performance appraisal. It’s especially critical for top management who are responsible for setting the firm’s path and making a slew of other critical decisions. Our findings suggest that organizational integrity may be a possible blind spot. Ensure that your firm’s executives at all levels are reminded of the value of honor and fairness.


One of the most critical things a leader can do on a daily basis is treating others with respect. It will reduce conflicts and problems, build trust, and boost productivity. Respect is more than just not being disrespectful, and it can be demonstrated in a variety of ways.  Respect in the workplace allows increased work efficiency.

Money lending Toa Payoh are the quick options to get loans

When you are in a financial crisis and need someone to help you then you can take the help of money lenders. The financial. crises come in an uninvited manner and you need to be prepared to face them. The money lenders provide loans with simple processing but the thing is that you find a trusted firm that can resolve your issues easily and lend you money without much effort.

From a money lending firm, a borrower can take both a personal and a business loan as per their requirements. There are various packages from which it becomes easy for them to choose and pay back the loan at the lower interest rate and small instalments.

So now you don’t need to think much and from planning a simple vacation or a big business venture there are money lenders who can provide you with loans quickly.

The meaning of a money lending loan

A high cost and a short-term loan are known as a money lending loan. You can go to a moneylender if anyone needs a small amount loan, the requirement of the money is for short period, and also if the other loans are of high interest which is not affordable. The money lending firms are said to be financed by various private companies through which they provide different loan packages to their customers.

With easy processing, you can find services good at money lending in toa Payoh which will give you many benefits at the same time.

How to find a good money lending firm?

It is not that difficult to find a money lending firm in your city if you go with some research and check the reviews of their customers.

The money lending firm should be a reliable one and licensed to assure security and high-end services. They have the legal authority to help the people who are searching for quick loans. These services are directly linked to the government of the city and they follow the rules and regulations abide by the Ministry of Law.

A licensed firm will keep you safe from any fraud or illegal money lending which has become quite common in today’s era.

Thus, whenever there is need of some money don’t worry and find a good money lending firm which will make your financial problems sorted by providing quick loans at lower interest rate.

Tips to consider when purchasing Guns and Firearms

Learn everything you need to know before making the gun and firearm purchase with this guide. We look at the best tips to buying guns and firearms with chapters on buying a rifle, pistols, best shotguns, handgun bags, and accessories. All of the information is based on our extensive research and analysis of your needs as a gun owner or potential buyer.

The purpose of this article is to help you make a better-informed decision when buying or selling guns and firearms. Too many people look at legal terms like “shall-issue” and “constitutional carry” as clear-cutt definitions when in reality they are nothing more than subjective words used to make something sound fair, positive, or easy. This article is my attempt at clearing up some of the confusion surrounding the debate between gun ownership and gun control.

Suggestions to think about:

  1. The first thing to consider when buying a gun is the size and weight of the gun. You may want something lightweight for target shooting or a heavy gun for hunting big game. If you’re going to carry it around all day, make sure it’s easy to carry and that there’s more than one way to carry it. If you’re worried about being on the move with a gun, make sure it’s lightweight and easy to pack just in case. The ideal gun for you depends on many factors: where you live and what kind of hunting you do.
  1. Discover your personal style in the wide world of guns and firearms. There are many things to consider before purchasing your first gun. The most important thing to remember is safety because safety is always an issue when handling a firearm.
  1. Choosing a gun is a very big decision, and there are many factors to consider. There are many different kinds of guns out there — some for hunting or target shooting and some that can do both. When you choose a gun, you should also choose one with good stopping power — that way, it can kill quickly and efficiently. And of course, the look of the gun will be different for everyone. Some people like bright colors and others prefer more neutral or professional-looking guns.
  1. For real firearms enthusiasts who have always wanted to own a handgun, the gun safe is just what you need. All of the trigger locks, gun vaults, and weapons cabinets on this page will keep your weapons away from children and others who should not touch them.
  1. Anyone who has experienced any degree of the sport of target shooting has focused their attention on the matter at hand to bring down the target. But when it comes to guns, silencers, and other gun-related equipment it is important to be aware of all laws and regulations that may or may not need to be followed. Gun cases are an issue because they have been used as a method to bring contraband through customs by simply placing a handgun in a case and using the proper identification to pass it through customs. The influence of money involved in smuggling causes an obvious situation that needs to be addressed by law enforcement officials.
  1. With so many choices, it can be difficult to figure out the right handgun for your needs. You must consider what you will be using it for and whether or not it will be concealed. For self-defense, you need a gun that is light and easy to conceal. You also want a dependable firearm that will fire every time. For target practice, you need a long-distance weapon that is comfortable and accurate. And finally, if you are considering taking up hunting, you need something powerful enough to take down large animals but with a small enough bite so as to not damage the meat or other benefits.

How to find the right money lenders?

The money lending industry has been around for a long time. However, it has become more common in recent years, maybe as a result of technological improvements. Nowadays, you may receive a loan in a matter of minutes, not to mention that the majority of these lenders do so while ignoring certain conditions. For example, you can apply for financial assistance without providing any security or having a strong credit history. To avail of the best services choose Money lender ang mo kio.

Here are some topics to think about in your search:

1. Credibility

The credibility of the company is the first thing to investigate. This is one of the most important characteristics of a competent moneylender, but there is no single strategy that can guarantee you reliable results while gathering information about a candidate. However, reading previous customers’ testimonials is the most effective way to accomplish this.

2. Loan Specialization

A company that provides loans to individuals operates in a very different way than one that provides financial assistance to enterprises. The key distinctions are the interest rates and the payment procedure. If you’re investing in a firm, you may be able to pay in installments after a specified amount of time. In the case of other lenders, the time between loan issuance and repayment maybe a little shorter.

3. Rates of Interest

Every money lending firm has a set interest rate and chosen repayment method. While all lenders are primarily interested in making a profit, legitimate companies are always willing to offer loans at reasonable interest rates. Unfortunately, others may try to deceive you and include hidden fees to extort as much money as possible from you once you’ve signed the contract. Any lender who charges high fees is a red sign that should be avoided at all costs.

4. Conditions of Engagement

Finally, there is the problem of policies and the degree of flexibility in involvement terms. Before signing the contract, make sure you read over all of the information because it may provide significant pointers. Remember that when it comes to loans and other financial decisions, your credit score is constantly at stake. As a result, attempt to avoid lenders who may cause you problems as much as feasible.


There are numerous money lenders in the microfinance industry today, all claiming to provide the greatest products and services. As a result, selecting a legitimate one that will precisely match your demands is difficult. To avoid becoming frustrated, it’s a good idea to start by investigating a company’s credibility.