Author Archives: Justin

Mystery Shopping Services in Belfast

When a business owner is not sure about how their employees act while they are not around, they hire mystery shoppers to act like real ones and later tell them the experience they had with the vendors. 

There is not one mystery shopping service in Belfast. Lots of jobs as this kind of person can be found. To become one of them, you need to learn the art of pretending you are a real customer. 

How this job is done?

What’s the most important in this job is not to act like a criminal because you’re not doing anything illegal. All you have to do is get in the shop you’re asked to check out, spend the money given to you by the employers and see how you’re going to be served. That’s it. 

After this, you’ll write down the experience and will tell your employer about it. There’s no wrong or write in this job, you just need to tell them whether the person serving you was polite, helpful, what energy you received from them and did you enjoy shopping there in general. The rest is up to the people in charge of the store you visited. 

They might reward some of the employees or cut their salary because of the unprofessional attitude you received. This is none of your business so relax. Take the money and wait for the next call from the agency. 

How to become one?

Just open a search engine on the internet and you’ll find lots of these companies. They are opened for applying at all times. You should make a short CV and send it to them. If they like what they see, they’ll call you for an interview. Learn here how to make a great CV.

There’s no special requirement who can and who can’t be a mystery shopper. The point of this is to send normal, regular people do shopping for some products. As we all know, the stores are visited by all kinds of persons. Some are strange, some not so much. Some are tall, skinny, pretty looking, and others are the complete opposite of this.

That’s why you don’t have to worry that you won’t be called because you’re not eligible for the work. The only thing that can keep you from getting called is an eventual criminal past. Some of the companies don’t mind this but others pay attention to this detail.

Another thing you’ll surely be asked to do before you actually get assigned to a real job is to sign a disclosure agreement by which you’ll be obligated not to reveal the secret. You’ll also not be allowed to tell anyone about anything you find about a special company or store. This is done for the companies to protect themselves from the competition learning about what they are doing. 

What do the agencies offer?

The first and most important is – of course – money. You get paid for what you do. On top of this, you’ll probably get a fund that you’ll be allowed to spend for your own personal pleasure or your own personal needs. 

For example, let’s say you should visit a computer store and tell the experience from it. You get a fund of $50 and an additional paycheck after the job is done. You can choose from buying a new mouse or a keyboard for your PC, you can find some USB sticks or anything else that you’ll like there. 

You pay just like every other customer, you chat with the employees, or you don’t it’s your choice, and you leave the store with the product that you can later use for your purposes. See this link to learn how to talk to people: The receipt must be displayed at the agency and an explanation of your experience at the place.


If you want to be a mystery shopper, there’s nothing that should stop you. This is a job that literally anyone can do. It’s simple, easy, and it takes no time. Everyone can do it and earn some extra money after your regular working hours. 

For the employers, this is a great chance to see how their workers act and react when strangers get in their shop. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.

Latest Airtel prepaid plans in India: Choose the best from your region

Telecom tycoon Airtel has been buzzing the mobile prepaid segment with newly launched and revamped plans. Users are now offered a platter full of choices designed for the unique needs of prepaid mobile users. From pocket-friendly travel plans to annual prepaid plans, our new telecom genie has been grantingmost of our wishes.

Low-value pack for travelers and budget users

Airtel recently launched a new plan just at Rs 97. Meant for the people who would love to call often and use limited data. With the validity of 14 days, it’s a perfect prepaid plan for travelers, people on-budget, and social media anti-junkie. In terms, you getto use 2GB 3G/4G data,unlimited calls and 100 free SMS/day for 14 days.

Monthly budget plan for limited data users

Be-lining with reasonable plansAirtel also came up with a monthly prepaid plan at Rs 148. The plan offers 3GB data along with unlimited voice calls and 300 free SMS/ day for the period of 28 days.

Looking for a long-term plan? Airtel’s got that too!

While offering a bouquet of pocket-friendly plans having limited validity, Airtel certainly hasn’t neglected its heavy mobile users. Airtel offers one of the best long-term prepaid plans at Rs 1,699.

The plan has been revamped with 1.4 GB data/ day, which was previously only 1 GB. The validity lasts a year. And you get to enjoy free unlimited local and national voice calls, 100 SMS/ day, and unlimited national roaming 365 days.

That’s not all! As this features in Airtel premium plans,you’re attuned to a complimentary Airtel TV premium subscription.

Combo packs and smart recharges:

Airtel also offers different combo packs and smart recharges across all regions in India. Here’s a list of popular ones:

Pack / Plan Price (Rs.) Validity
150 MB 3G/4G Combo Data Pack 19 2 days
200 MB 3G Combo Data Pack 19 2 days
Easy Recharge 26 (SMS) 26 28 days
Smart Recharge 23 23 28 days

Airtel unlimited prepaid plans:

That’s not all. Airtel has more to offer with its unlimited data packs. Enjoy unlimited voice calling and SMS along with 1GB+ data usage per day.

Price Rs 199 Rs 349 Rs 399 Rs 448 Rs 599
Validity 28 days 28 days 70 days 82 days 90 days
STD + local calls Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Incoming & outgoing roaming calls Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Local/National SMS/ day 100 100 100 100 100
3G/ 4G data 1.4 GB/ day 2.5 GB/ day 1 GB/ day 1.4 GB/ day 1.4 GB/ day

Never settle for any less! Choose from the best prepaid plans from Airtel and connect with your loved ones and the world without any hassle and budget worries.

Aeron Chair – Why carbon fiber is used in manufacturing furniture?

Image result for carbon chair

Choosing the right materials for a particular furniture is quite complicated when you lack knowledge and understanding about it. Sometimes, you just rely on the information that a shop attendant is saying regarding their products. In this case, it would be very easy for you to believe whatever a seller is talking about, right? In my opinion, this is not a smart thing to do because you might choose a furniture wrongly and that may lead to disappointment. Let’s say that you have plans of buying new chairs for your home. 

One of the raw materials used when it comes with a sturdy and comfy chair is a CF. Now, check the products or designs that are available in the shops. For example, you may go online and search from the listing. As you browse each model from the list, it is also a must to think, if this one will suit your home or not. 

Since you are aware that the models, which you are looking at are made of carbon fiber, you should be interested in learning more about this raw material. Other chairs are made of wood, which is also strong. But why do other manufacturers use a CF just like the Aeron carbon chair? I guess, this is a relevant information that you need to understand before buying for your home or even office use.

Image result for carbon fiber

What is carbon fiber or CF?

Basically, it is a material that is composed of conformed and linked carbon atoms with 10 – 50 micrometer diameter.  This comes with a crystal structure along the fibers. It is aligned in such a way that it makes the volume really sturdy. It is because every strand has thousands of braided strings. Aside from the fact that this is a relatively strong one. It is also high in some features, such as flexibility, temperature and resistance. That makes it useful in the field of engineering, motor sports and military applications as well. 

When it comes to the atomic structure, it is the same with the graphite, but this site will tell you more about the difference. Depending on how it is manufactured, it may have structured in a hybrid, graphitic or the turbostratic way and flat layers. When a CF is formed from a PAN or polyacrylonitrille, it is turbostratic. These are more elastic, however less flexible. While CF’s that are produced, using a coal tar is graphitic when heated over a 2200-degree Celsius temperature. Actually a CF has a characteristic – close to steel and plastic. If you are going to consider the weight ratio of this material, it is, indeed, higher compared to a plastic and steel.  

It is not easy to compare raw materials because they are used and built with a purpose and have their own properties. Generally, this raw material is either isotropic or homogeneous. At all points, it is homogenous like aluminum, plastic and steel. While it can also be isotropic because these resources are the same in all axes.


So, how are the precursors processed? These long strands are woven and combined with other precursors that comes in different sizes and shapes. It has to undergo 5 stages to complete a product. 

First, is the spinning. Here, the PAN is mixed together with other ingredients or elements and whirled to form a fiber. These are later on washed and then, stretched. Second is the stabilizing, where there is a need to alter chemicals that will help in stabilizing the bond. Third, we have carbonizing. Here, they are going to heat the stabilized fibers. It must be done in an extremely high temperature. Through this, it can form crystals that must be tightly bonded – making it stronger. Visit to learn what other people have to stay on its strength.

The fourth stage is to treat the surface. During this stage, they are going to oxidize the surface of the CF. they need to do this because it is very important to improve and enhance the bonding properties of the resources used. The last stage is the sizing. This is where the CF are coated into the bobbins that has to be spinned, using a machine to allow the twisting into a yarn size. 

The Best Fake Urine for a Drug Test: Tips for Passing on Short Notice

If you need to pass a drug screening with flying colors and on short notice, the first thing users need to know is that screening technology has advanced dramatically to the point where the traditional ways to fake the tests like drinking a lot of water to dilute your urine is already a thing in the past. 

The best thing to do is to prepare the body as advance as possible by avoiding drug use once you find out that you are scheduled for a drug exam. When there is no time to remove any traces of illicit drugs from your system, there are last-minute methods that you can try to trick the system. And if everything else fails, knowing all the rights can help you a lot. In this article, we will teach you the best ways users can deal with a screening on short notice.

To find out more about synthetic urine, you can check out this link for more information.

Be prepared to be tested

Give yourself as much time as you can. With every passing day between the last time you consumed illegal drugs, and the date of the scheduled testing, your chances of passing the screening will go up. If you have time to prepare, you need to use it wisely and avoid using the substance at all cost until you are well in the clear. 

No matter what kind of substance you have been using, you are better off avoiding them in advance instead of relying on ineffective techniques to fake the screening. If the testing is to be administered by the company you are employed in, most cases should get a fair warning before the scheduled examination. 

The date might be random, and you might not know the exact time and date of the test, but you will be given a chance to know the week of the scheduled screening. You need to pay attention to your company’s drug policies so you can prepare for it instead of not knowing and getting caught off-guard. If you are being tested because you are on probation, the drug examination is likely to be scheduled beforehand. 

Do not let the examination day sneak up on you; get your system ready in advance. Of course, it is not always possible to your body for the examination; if you get pulled over by a police officer because they suspect you for drug intoxication, you might need to take the test there and then. While the surprise screening is almost impossible to pass, there are still ways you can do to give yourself a better chance of passing with flying colors.

To find out more about drug testing, you can check out

Find what kind of screening you will be taking

There are four traditional types of screening: blood, urine, hair and saliva tests. The standard five-panel includes testing for cannabinoids like hash and marijuana, amphetamines like methamphetamine, speed, ecstasy or crack, cocaine and coke, opiates like heroin, opium, morphine and codeine, and PCP or angel dust. Advancements in screening technology have made it very hard to fake the tests, but knowing all the differences between the tests, can be very helpful when it comes to certain situations.

Here is the breakdown

Urine screening is one of the most common types of drug examinations administered by most companies. They are the easiest method to tamper with since you will have a small window of privacy during the sample collection because you will be watched by laboratory staff.

Blood screening might be conducted to you if you get pulled over by police officers due to suspected drug intoxication. This kind of screening is tough to pass if you are regularly using illegal drugs because it is very effective at knowing exactly how much drug components are in your body. But if it has been a few days after you consumed illicit substances, there is a big chance that your result will come up negative compared to urine examination.

Saliva screening is sometimes used in place of urine or blood examination because they are less invasive. They are less sensitive compared to the blood examination. 

The hair follicle examination is challenging to cheat and impossible to fake. More or less 100 strands of hair will be evaluated in the laboratory to know whether they contain traces of illegal substances. Because it will take up more or less two weeks for the hair to grow long enough to be a viable sample, hair follicle test can’t tell whether an individual is using or used illicit substances for the past two weeks. 

But traces of illegal substances can stay in your follicles for up to three to four months or 90 to 120 days, so it is an effective method to know if you are a frequent or regular user.

Try to find out how much illegal substance is in your body. The method you will choose to pass the examination depends in part on how much of the substance the user thinks is in their system. For example, if you are just an occasional cannabis user, there is a big chance that there will be no traces of illegal substance after five to ten days. 

But heavy use of cocaine, cannabis, certain barbiturates and other illicit substances are detectable after fifteen to thirty days. If you are a chronic or regular cannabis user, the test that you take will read positive nine out of ten times. You will have a big chance of being able to detoxify your body and get a screening that reads negative. 

You need to remember that if your company or agency subject you to a hair follicle examination, anything you have used in the past three to four months or 90 to 120 days (except the latest drug use up to two weeks) will show up in the drug screening. All in all, all you need to do is know what type of test you will get and do the necessary steps to prepare to detoxify or get rid of drug components. Screenings are beatable if you know what you are doing.

Introduction into NYC Corporate Tax Planners

Charge arranging is the examination of a budgetary circumstance or arrange from a charge viewpoint. The reason of assess arranging is to guarantee charge productivity. Through assess arranging, all components of the money related arrange work together within the most tax-efficient way conceivable. Charge arranging is a basic portion of a budgetary arrange. Lessening of assess obligation and maximizing the capacity to contribute to retirement plans are significant for victory.

Assess arranging covers a few contemplations. Contemplations incorporate timing of pay, estimate, and timing of buys, and arranging for other uses. Moreover, the determination of ventures and sorts of retirement plans must complement the recording status and findings to make the most excellent conceivable result. And for more on this, please check the following writings

Charge gain-loss gathering is another shape of charge arranging or administration relating to speculations. It is accommodating since it can utilize a portfolio’s misfortunes to counterbalance in general capital picks up. Concurring to the IRS, brief and long-term capital misfortunes must to begin with be utilized to balanced capital picks up of the same sort. In other words, long-term misfortunes counterbalanced long-term picks up some time recently offsetting short-term picks up. As of 2018, short-term capital picks up, or profit from resources claimed for less than one year, are burdened at conventional salary rates.

You develop your salary and see the decent huge “gross” pay number on beat of the salary stump. Furthermore in this text you’ll take note that the “net” or real sum that’s kept into your inspection account is altogether littler. That’s since your earned pay gets burdened in numerous ways – government, state, Social Security, health care and so on. Charges are troublesome to maintain a strategic distance from, but here are a lot plans around to assist district them off a bit.

In the event that you’ve got investment funds or speculations, there are methods to dodge charges on the salary from those speculations. Most public connections are governmentally tax-free. Once you purchase a person civil connection or a civil bond support from your claim state, at that point the intrigued installments from that salary are moreover duty-free. The drawback of metropolitan oaths may be the subordinate salary than from similar assessable bonds. Learn out by examination of the bonds assess comparable surrender. But if you aren’t able to do so on your own, always check for NYC corporate tax planners that will help you out make sure that you aren’t doing anything which isn’t according to the law.

Contributing can be a vital instrument in rising your longstanding riches. An extra advantage from contributing in shares, ties and genuine bequest is the promising assess medications for long-standing wealth picks up. After you contribute in common stores and person money related resources, claim them for lengthier than one year and after that along these lines offer for an income, you wage a lesser wealth picks up degree on the cash made. The amount might be as moo as nothing for those within the 10% but also in the 15% assess bracket. Typically an amazing procedure to both progress your monetary circumstance and your charge risk.

In extension to making additional wage, a side exchange offers various survey focuses of intrigued. When utilized inside the sequence of your day by day commerce, various costs can be subtracted from your salary, reducing your include up to evaluate commitment. Especially basic evaluate determinations are prosperity securities premiums. As well, in case you take after the IRS rules, you might withhold parcel of your residential costs with the household office finding. The parcel of your conveniences then Web utilized inside the commerce may additionally be taken from your return. But if you need a calculator, you can click here.

There are handfuls of assess findings and charge credits accessible that numerous Americans do not take advantage of. Whereas you as of now likely know almost assess credits for guardians, there are extra education-related derivations and credits accessible. Those are accessible for both children and classes at and certify college or college that you simply are taking yourself. If you caused tall health-care expenses in a single calendar year, you’ll be able to compose those costs off as well. To require advantage of health-care charge derivations, your investing on wellbeing care must meet certain minimums and criteria that shift based on your pay.

When it comes to a love story photoshoot, your outfits are almost as important as the choice of the location. What kind of clothes should you choose? What about colors? Are there colors that look better in the photos? Should we bring a few outfits to photoshoot at or no? Here are a few tips from the New York team of professional photographers. Flowy dresses for an outdoor session. They always look great with the wind. Go for flower prints, especially in spring or summer.

Sam Ovens | Business Consulting, Special Report: Why Companies Hire Consultant

When management consultants explain what they do for a living, they are sometimes asked why companies hire them in the first place. As much as these consultants hate to hear it, this is a legitimate question, and it makes sense: at first look, it is puzzling why a lot of companies would not just solve their internal problems by themselves, whether it is about the reduction of their operational cost or new market entry.

But there a lot of reasons why organizations need consultants, whether a business or marketing consultant. If you are planning to become a consultant or your company or business is planning to hire one, you need to read the article and find out how they can help enterprises proceed to the next level.

To know more about the consulting industry, you can check out websites like for more information.

Companies or organizations want another pair of eye, most probably from an outsider’s point of view

Do you know how sometimes when you are dealing with a problem in your life, you ask your friends or your family for an opinion? Companies or organization usually does this, too, especially when they are making decisions that can affect their business. There are times that clients have an idea on how to solve the issues that are facing, but they want to make sure that they are on the right path, and their solution is right.

Sometimes, they are not close to the challenge that they are missing the obvious solution to the problem. That is why these organizations and companies turn to consultants to help them with the problem. The consultant’s opinion is taken into consideration. But this is not just a simple opinion: these consultants sometimes work with different companies, and they may have experienced solving these issues in the past for other organizations.

They can actually provide a point of view based on what they have seen in the past. Given their experiences, they can sometimes bring innovative and new ideas to the table that their clients would not have seen if they have not hired an independent firm or an agent.

Click here to know what management consultants do.

Companies hiring consultants need additional horsepower

There are times that the problems these companies are trying to solve are very important, and there are not enough human resources to focus on these problems. Organizations still have to do their everyday operations, and the new projects will require them to reorganize their employees’ responsibilities. Hiring additional staff to fill the gaps is not only expensive, but also pointless because most of these tasks are project-based.

Whether it is a cost reduction plan that requires dedicated employees for months or even years or a post-merger integration that will require the company every employee on their payroll for a month, companies might have some problems to get a team in place to do the critical task.

In cases like this, management consultants will serve as a temporary employee with the perfect set of skills that can help the company to solve the problem they are facing. These additional human resources are not considered as full-time staff of the company that is why they are sometimes a lot cheaper to use than hiring new personnel.

Because these additional help switch around different companies, they are used to learning their client’s system faster than regular employees, they are much more effective. And by using management consultants, organizations do not have to pull their workers away from their daily responsibilities.

Companies that are hiring these consultants needed specialized skills

Another reason and perhaps the most common one is that these organizations that hire management or business consultants needed to access specialized skill sets that are not currently available in their company. By hiring a consultant, they can have access to professionals that has the skills that they now need, ranging from the organization’s financial structure to lean Six Sigma process design these specialized group of professionals is not only very expensive to hire, but the organization might not have enough tasks to keep them busy the entire year.

Most of these professionals are also not very easy to find. Thanks to management or business consultants, the organization or the company can now have access to that skill set when they need it.

As you can see, these consultants can support any organization in a lot of ways, and they can also dig into a lot of tricky situations. It is not an easy job, but for people who love solving problems, it is just like completing a complicated puzzle.

Credit cards for customers with no credit

We have chosen 10 credit cards for people with no credit that let them restore their credit. Credit history determines the finances of every American. One can’t purchase expensive goods on credit if have no credit. Many people ask: “how to get a credit card with no credit and what credit card can i get with no credit, if i have zero credit rating?”. Tenth of Americans have no credit history, mostly they are young people who start their adult lives.

Capital One Secured Mastercard

This is one of the best credit cards for no credit that may determine a $ 200 credit line, if you deposit only $ 49. It gives you a chance for rebuilding a ruined credit or beginning a credit history. A well timed repayment will raise your credit rating.

USAA Secured Card American Express Card

This is a special option that allows you to get loans for a low APR for the US military. Just make a small deposit to open a credit limit. The USAA Secured Card has a low annual charge and may give a loan with a 4% APR. It’s well worth it, mainly for beginners.

First Progress Platinum Elite Secure MasterCard Credit Card

If you interested in how to get a credit card with no credit, consider this card. Quickly registration through the tax return check makes it a suitable choice for a novice with no credit. Timely payments records about your proper actions will be sent to the credit bureaus.

AmaZing Launch Credit Card

If you wish to start successful credit history with a 0% APR, then AmaZing Launch credit card will be the actual choice. That option presents many other rewards to its customers. You will recover your credit while receiving all advantages.

Discover it Secured Card

Get the card and begin using it, especially when you have no credit. You will get 2% cash back from the money spent at gas stations and for food. For other expenses, the lender will reward you with a 1% of you expenses.

The Secured Visa from Merrick Bank

This credit card can set a credit limit of up to $ 3 thousand. Also the lender will check the card after the first year of its use for possible increasing your credit limit.

Indigo Platinum Mastercard

Indigo Platinum card can be a good choice for people with no credit, who went through a bankruptcy. You could be able to recover your credit until you exceed the balance of credit card.

Credit One Bank Unsecured Platinum Visa

This is an unsecured credit card that gives one of the lower APR. Credit One card gives rewards, returning 1% of your expenses.

Milestone Gold Mastercard

Milestone Gold is a credit card, for approving which the lender will carry out a simple check of your credit. Pre-qualification will show your trustworthiness to determine the annual fee. This credit card is a fine option to start recovery credit for bankruptcy survivors.


Several easy steps, like making pay off in time, you may better your credit rating each month. The answer on question “can i get a credit card with no credit?” is “Yes!” because there are suitable credit cards for no credit and you can get the most suitable one. Such credit cards were developed to support you.

Want a Job in the Film and Movie Industry? Here’s What’s Available

As you can see by the long length of credits at the end of movies or television programs, there are a significant amount of workers involved in creating and distributing films. However, employment in the production industry can be classified broadly according to the three filmmaking phases which are;

•    Preproduction

•    Production

•    Postproduction


Preproduction is the planning phase, when all the plans are made for the project, which includes casting, budgeting, costume and set design, finding the right location, scheduling, and construction.


Production is the phase when the actual filming is being done and the film is being made. The production phase can include any number of people; a documentary may consist of just a few individuals involved and a feature film may have hundreds.


Postproduction comes after the filming is complete. It is basically the phase where the music is added in and the clips are edited to reach the final outcome.

Some workers will take part in every phase along with the Director and Producer, who is always involved in all three phases, from start to finish and beyond.

Producers may maintain multiple contacts with publishers and literary agents as well as read numerous manuscripts and watch a number of films always looking for new ideas that can possibly be turned into a box office hit movie or a great television show that will bring in a lucrative amount of earnings.

In addition, it is the responsibility of the producer to find financing for the projects they are working on. They are also responsible for selecting scripts, cast members, and filming locations which they may work closely with a director to make these choices as these choices can greatly affect their budget and directors are good at developing visual and thematic images for the film as well as interpreting scripts.

The Director basically directs the cast and crew during shooting while also supervising everyone else on the set, including set designers, screenwriters, and those who work in costume, lighting, makeup, and more. Directors are the ones in charge of the artistic and technical aspects of the film and may also hold rehearsals and auditions, or help by finding a talent agent, and approve scenery, locations, costumes, music, and choreography.

During large production projects, a producer may also work with a production manager, who is in charge of casting, crews, travel, and equipment, especially if they are on a tight deadline they must adhere to.

Assistant directors help Directors with a number of things such as; arranging accommodations like food, handling the equipment, transportation and hiring performers for the film, who don’t have any lines.

In some instances, directors assume multiple roles, like writer-producer-director or director-producer. To be a successful director, it is important to create effective teams by knowing and hiring the ones who best fit the parts.


Working in the movie and film industry can be both fun and challenging for anyone willing to work hard.

What Are The Most popular Business Hours To Post On Social Media (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook)

When it comes to posting on social media, people get different responses in different timings. Some people believe the night time and weekends are good while others believe we should post on Sundays and such other schedules.

We have created this post to guide the readers about best business to post on the major social media sites for B2B and B2C.

Factors Affecting Business Hours on Social Media

Before we talk about the best hours, we should also understand the important factors that affect business hours when it comes to posting on social sites. Every platform has a different user base and they majority of the users are active at different times. Like, Facebook users will not be active when more people will be using Twitter.

  1. The platform is one of the most important factors to consider while posting on social sites.
  2. Another factor is the region you want to target. People of the US have different times as compared to that of the people in the UK.
  3. Your goals also affect the timing. What you are sharing and what you want to achieve is really important.
  4. And lastly, when your potential users or audience is more active on a platform and how they react to it.

Best Business Hours to Post on Facebook

Facebook has been one of the vital platforms for any business. A new research found that Wednesday at 3:00pm and Thursdays and Fridays from 1:00pm-4:00pm is the perfect time to share content, post and engage users on this social site. People have witnessed great performance during these days and the hours so you can schedule your posts for this time as well.

Business Hours to Post on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is really effective for people who want to connect with the users as well as potential customers. For this platform the best time is; 7 AM to 9 AM ET or 5 PM to 6 PM ET. Thursday and Wednesday are the two days that can give you more audience and better response on your social posts.

Business Hours to Post on Twitter

When it comes to Twitter, you will get many audience and relevant people for your business. This platform is more professional and only the professionals are there. Unlike Facebook, Twitter has more mature user base and professionals. You should post during the working week from 12:00-3:00pm, and again at 5:00pm.

Business Hours to Post on Instagram

Instagram has become really popular for every business and brands. The site is more known for images and videos. All the celebrities and big brands are using this site nowadays. On Instagram, you will get better response between 9:00pm and 8:00am. This is a perfect time for video content.

Business Hours to Post on Pinterest

Many people still prefer Pinterest for posting business content and other information. According to experts, for this platform Saturdays from 8:00-11:00pm is an ideal time to post content and share products. This is the time when you can expect more response and users.

To Conclude

It is easy to get caught up in the chase of the perfect social media posting time frenzy. You can become too paranoid about your schedules and trying this for these people, and that for someone else.

But to return to basics. If your social media content is good, and is for the correct audience, it will be found, it will be seen, engaged with and acted upon.

It is all about the process of building trust and authority through genuinely entertaining content, re-packaged across all of your active profiles. It is the consistency of this which will deliver results which can be acted upon for lead generation through website visitor tracking. Not because you posted at 9:47AM GMT.

With content boosting and paid advertising now available with such extreme levels of targeting, your ads and the content within, will be seen. The impressions back this up. So get the copy, imagery and the messaging correct, and the rest will follow upon this.

5 Ways to Boost Your Business Today

1. Connect With Your Customers

Brainstorm ways to connect more with your customers, then implement those strategies. Custom emails, follow up phone calls to say “Thanks for ……”, customer service training for your staff, appreciation day(s), valued customer cards/discounts/coupons, etc, etc, etc…business is about making connection with people. The more you find ways to connect with your customers the more your business will grow, period.

2. Know Your Target Market and Reach Them

Spend 10 minutes thinking about targeted advertising for your business, then put a plan in place to reach that market. Already done this? Analyse the effectiveness of your targeted campaign, and tweak where needed. Use programs like Slack and MS Project to organise yourself and your team, and boost productivity.

3. Give Away The House

If you offer a product or service you think your customers cannot live without, give it away! That’s right, if you offer something you feel is so good your customers will be hooked the minute they try it then give it away to them for a period of time. Make a great smelling soap? Give out freebies. Offer consulting services? Make your first consultation free. Sell the next greatest gadget? Run a contest where the winners all get one. You can never lose money giving away an indispensable product for a period of time. If you’re right and your customers love the product/service, they’ll be back for more and be happy pay for it. However, if your products or services are marginal you will never see those customers again.

4. Know How to Market

Commit to learning one new thing about marketing for small businesses. All business come down to two things, marketing your product and service, then making a connection with the customers you marketed to. Learn marketing techniques, and use them DAILY in your small business. Most businesses come down to a numbers game, I believe most all of you produce a great product or provide a great service. The only thing stopping you from breaking your business wide open is you don’t get your product/service in front of enough people. Fix that!

5. Do Something!

Do something, anything, to promote and grow your business. As simple as it sounds, one of the best ways to boost your business is to do something today. If everyday you do something for your business, no matter how small it may seem, the effect those “something” have will compound over time. The only way your small business stalls, is if you stop actively moving it forward.

What are you going to do to boost your business today?